Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dinner Day 4

Okay, I could really use a coke. This is day four and surprisingly we still have a lot of food left – possibly a little left after day seven and here’s why. The cheap ground beef that I bought has a lot of fat and I mean a lot! We typically buy the ground beef that only has 4% fat. Well apparently I bought something with 90% fat. Okay, I’m exaggerating just a little… well maybe a lot. Anyways, apparently after you cool the meat in the refrigerator the big white fat clumps stick to the meat. My husband was so disgusted by the sight that he refused to eat the meat and just had rice and beans. I didn’t want the meat to go to waste so I tried to pick the fat off the meat which didn’t work. Once I got to work our wonderful nutrition educator informed me how I should have drained the meat after cooking it and then run hot water over the meat to get rid of the fat before storing. This would have been helpful to know.

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