Thursday, September 11, 2008

Molly: Day 3 - Lunch

For lunch today I ate my small frozen pizza. I believe I bought it for like 75 cents. I only purchased one because I know they can't be good for you, but I also know I wanted to add some variety in my diet. Variety is what I seem to be struggling with right now. I just got back from Walmart and added an item of food for the week... animal crackers. I needed something to snack on, and the bag was only $1.17, so that brings my leftover money down to $4.33. I'm going to try to hold on to that for a couple more days. I plan to pack the animal crackers in my work bag, so I have something to snack on tomorrow while I report. The pizza was really not that good, so I don't plan on buying anymore of those. I'd rather eat peanut butter toast :). It was hard not to buy anything else today especially when I walked by the fruits and vegetables. I would love a big salad right now, or just even an apple. There are two apples sitting in my fridge right now from last week calling my name. I might have to use that leftover money on fruit.

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