Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First entry for the hunger challenge from Rick E.

A few weeks ago, I got home after work and following a food bank board meeting and discussed the food stamp challenge with my wife, Becky, thinking she would absolutely, positively not want to commit to a challenge like this.  Was I wrong!  She immediately began to work up a week's worth of menus (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and set our food budget up for the week beginning this past Sunday, September 14th.  So, we're on the program for this entire week.  This is my first time ever to participate in a blog, and I will do my best to keep you all updated as we go through the week, but so far it really hasn't been bad for us.  For example, today, Becky cooked a real, old fashioned chicken, de-boned it, and make a great chicken and dumplings dish---which we haven't had in our house in years!  But it was great and very filling.  One thing we both try to do is eat as healthy as we possibly can.  We cheat occasionally, but generally stay with it.  She said 'buying healthy foods on a very limited budget is very difficult', when she did her shopping for this week.  So we're three days in and counting!  Will keep you posted.

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