Monday, September 15, 2008

It's been a long week!

Barbara here again. This week on the Food Stamp Challenge has seemed two weeks long.
I found out that I really don't care to be constantly aware of what I can't have to eat and that my
taste buds aren't set up for my limited food budget. That head of lettuce and tomatoes for a
small salad were a God send. My husband, Charlie, was not at all content with the food choices
we had to make. I will tell you that neither of us want a sandwich for a long time nor do we
want to see oatmeal for a while. Enough of the grumbling! What really happened to us is we
became very aware of the lack of opportunity to afford fresh vegetables, fish, fruit, etc. We
are very empathetic concerning the limited food choices in families who use food stamps. We
couldn't use any food from the pantry or the freezer in our home and each time I saw all that we
had I felt like a kid in a candy store. I also felt a kind of guilt, like I wanted to share but couldn't
find good way. I will never forget this opportunity and hope somehow to help fix it. Thanks
for listening!!

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