Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shopping! Nutrition?

Charlie and I are embarking upon the Food Stamp Challenge this week. Last night I went to the grocery store and shopped with our 42 dollars. It took an exceptionally long time as all the brands I usually use are not what I could buy for this week. I was really overwhelmed in the meat department! I did prepare for this week with a menu and a shopping list. I was unable to
buy all that I had planned on and I had to change the whole chicken to 2 suppers and 1 lunch.
Getting all the vegetables and fruit we should have was unattainable but I scored on some wheat bread in a sandwich loaf on sale. The menu is not really high on the basic nutrition needs of our
bodies and the fat is higher that we usually allow. Where we are going to help the fat problem
is with portion control, that will also extend our groceries. We could afford no snacks!

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