Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday evening update for the week

Becky and I have made it through Thursday, after beginning the challenge last Sunday morning. Really, it's been pretty neat to see how we can stretch our food shopping dollar---although it's been Becky who has done all the stretching! I think I said before that she made chicken and dumplings one day, which we ate for two meals (and could have been three, but just got tired of it). Also, a great casserole was the menu for today, along with sandwiches for lunch, and our normal cereal for breakfast. What we've had to give up are things like fresh orange juice, salmon, some beef dishes we like to fix, and a few other things. I would not say that we have suffered, but the week so far has really made us plan and think about what we're eating. I have to admit, Tuesday evening I attended a company event, and we did eat that meal out (free), so we do feel we sort of "cheated" on that evening, but couldn't be helped. Otherwise, we have tried very hard to stay the course. I'll try to catch this blog one more time between now and Saturday night to keep all of you posted on our progress.

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