Friday, September 12, 2008

Molly: Day Four - Lunch/Dinner

The next couple of days are going to be very hectic with Hurricane Ike coming in, and I know my strength will be tested. I'm definitely going to need to prepare my food ahead of time because I will be reporting in the storm tomorrow and Sunday, and I won't have time to make my meals. For lunch today I ate my two peanut butter sandwhiches and my animal crackers. I kind of snacked on those all day, so that worked out well. I did spend 60 cents on a diet coke. I got it out of the vending machine in our break room. I am sick of drinking water because that is all I've been drinking, which is good for me I guess :). I thought I could spend the 60 cents. For dinner I made macaroni & cheese... yeah! I love it though. Could I eat all the time... no. I was very tempted to cheat tonight between my live shots. I was live right next to Chick Fil A, so I went inside there between live shots to get out of the heat. I never eat fast food, but the food smelled really good. I was hungry too, but I toughed it out until I got home. It didn't fit in my budget, and I didn't want to spend my money. I still have three days left. So far, I have really learned how much you have to think about every meal you eat, and everytime you buy something. The smallest thing, like a diet coke is a big purchase.

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