Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Molly: Day 2 - Lunch

I guess it's been awhile since I've made macaroni & cheese because I completely forgot you need to add milk at the end. I didn't buy milk, and we all know how expensive milk is right now, so I ended up using water. It still tastes fine, but it made me realize even the cheapest meals cost more than you think. Yes, the box of macaroni and cheese cost 39 cents, but you also need butter and milk. Just some things to think about when I prepare my next meal.

1 comment:

sunshyne8372 said...

Hey Molly. Doing great. Hang in there. For the butter you can buy some .89 cent stick butter for cheap.If you use the butter and water it tastes even better. Also if you get the ramen noodles and add some cheap sliced cheese that is good too.
Can you tell I have been there before? You can also buy powdered milk in a box that is a whole lot cheaper than milk in a jug.
I kind of wondered if you had forgotten the milk and butter yesterday! lol Keep up the good work.