Saturday, September 13, 2008

Molly: Day Five - Lunch/Dinner

Well, I survived Ike today, but I have to admit I cheated. I was running in and out of the station all day as KLTV had wall to wall coverage from 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. I was the reporter in a ball cap standing in the rain :). I ate my animal crackers around lunch time, but could not resist the free pizza the station provided around 1ish. I did have one piece, so that is cheating. I'm not supposed to except free food. I just didn't have time to heat up the noodles I brought. I did eat my noodles for dinner, however, but then I was craving something sweet, so I spent 50 cents and bought cookies from the vending machine. That takes my total amount left down to $1.50. It's another long day of reporting tomorrow, so again I will have to plan what I'll be eating. I still have three chicken breasts left, so I should probably eat those. I'll let you know. One more day down... two to go.

1 comment:

sunshyne8372 said...

I know that the challenge says don't accept free food or beverages, but what do you think people on food stamps do? We accept anything that is free. That is how you stretch your money that much farther. Don't feel guilty for accepting free stuff! It was there because you were working hard and needed it. Now the wine was a different matter ;) lol I don't blame you though. i have alreay stated that it has been 4 years since I have seen a movie in the theaters. When your budget is so tight you have no social life at all! Hang in there. You are doing good!